Dr. Anthony Kleinsmith
Dr. Anthony Kleinsmith is the President and founder of Immune Tree, Inc. He holds a Ph.D in Nutritional Science. He has 21 years of experience in the research of nutritional health. He has been formulating for Immune Tree as well as other companies around the world for the past 19 years. Dr. Kleinsmith has formulated and been involved with research for both human and animal health; and his product development has reached into Asia, Africa, Europe, North and South America. His specialty and focus have been on anti-aging, immune enhancement/regulation, and weight loss. His work with recombinant forms of growth hormones lead him to solidify research on natural forms on the IGF-1/GH Super Family found in abundance in his colostrum.
During the last two decades in the nutritional industry, Dr. Kleinsmith has helped establish several unique contract manufacturing facilities. These facilities have focused on the ability to maintain the integrity of natural substances without the use of additives or fillers.
Dr. Kleinsmith has authored numerous articles for various health magazines, made TV appearances, and is a regular on several National radio shows. He has also toured the world as a public speaker.
Anthony is considered one of the world's leading authorities on colostrum. Test after test from various institutions have confirmed the superior quality of his product line.
Our Mission...
is to improve and expound upon the information that is currently available regarding colostrum and its benefits for the human population. This is done by providing expert analytical research, standards, guidelines, and advice on the application and use of our products by the consumer.
Highest Quality Manufacturing
Our Aspen Co-Pack facility is FDA and USDA registered/compliant and we operate under cGMP guidelines. We are a full service contract manufacturer of herbal, vitamin, mineral, and dietary supplements. All products are manufactured under strict FDA guidelines, with top quality control and are tested by batch, or by lot, for potency. All ingredients are derived from natural sources; there are no artificial colors, no artificial flavors, no preservatives and no added fillers. Our manufacturing & packaging services can produce capsules and powder products with a prompt delivery schedule.

Quality Control
We ensure quality, from raw materials, throughout production, to final shipment. Immune Tree, Inc. controls quality by:
- Stringently scrutinizing and qualifying all prospective suppliers
- Quarantining all incoming raw materials immediately upon receipt
- Analyzing raw materials before releasing them to production
- Re-analyzing raw materials on a periodic schedule as required
- Quarantining finished goods until Quality Control completes a final quality control

Quality Assurance
The dietary supplements we ship to you are consistently the very best-without exception! Immune Tree, Inc. assures quality by:
- Analyzing every formulation to confirm ingredient accuracy
- Conducting in-process inspections throughout manufacturing: We monitor
fill-weight, hardness, thickness, disintegration and friability - Testing for full compliance verification
- Visually inspecting every finished unit-dose

Our production capability is performed without any excipients or flow agents. We have also started a new service for online health distributors and retailers. With the boom of the Internet and online commerce, increasingly companies are seeking faster turnarounds. At Immune Tree, Inc., we are willing to provide very quick lead times of a day for small orders.

Packaging Services
We package or repackage food grade products under strict quality control. We operate a cGMP compliant facility for FDA regulated food grade products.
- Complete packaging of capsules, tablets and powder
- Application of labels, lot number, expiration date, security seal under the cap, and
an additional security seal around the bottle neck - Bottle filling of powder, tablets & capsules

Powder Blending Services
Our powder milling facility has the capacity to blend up to 500 kg batches ensuring product consistency. In addition to blending purposes, our blending facility is also available for pure powder contracts.

Exports Service
Immune Tree, Inc. has researched, manufactured and marketed natural products worldwide and is internationally recognized contract manufacture, known for its quality and service. Actively serves over 30 countries around the world.
- Analytical Method Development & Validation
- Sampling Analysis & Trending
- Microbiological Testing