Dr. Oz’s Four Supplements for Living a Longer Life

According to Dr. Oz, the following four supplements will help you live a longer and happier life. From preventing cancer to strengthening bones, his suggestions really hit home! So we decided to share…
4 Supplements for a Longer Life

A healthy life starts with the basics: eating right, getting plenty of sleep, and regulating your stress levels through meditation and exercise. But if you want to kick your health into high gear, you need to do more. Here, Dr. Oz shares the top 4 supplements you should add to your daily regimen to help ensure a long life and combat the complications of heart disease, osteoporosis, memory loss, and cancer.

Treat Inflammation: Resveratrol

Researchers believe that chronic inflammation may be at the root of heart disease. Inflammation can cause blood clotting. Those clots, in turn, block the blood flow to your heart, leading to heart disease and, eventually, a heart attack. There are numerous causes of hidden inflammation – stress, inadequate sleep, nutritional deficiencies, and a diet high in processed foods, to name only a few – which is why it’s vital to live an active, healthy lifestyle.

You can further protect your body from the harmful effects of inflammation by taking a resveratrol supplement. Resveratrol is a compound found in plants such as the Japanese knotweed, blueberries, peanuts, red grape skins, and others. While resveratrol has been recommended for fighting the physical effects of aging, a brand new study shows it reduced inflammation of the heart in the study’s participants by 26%. Taking one 500 mg capsule of resveratrol daily with food will help you maintain a strong, healthy heart.

Strengthen Your Bones: Strontium

Your bones are your body’s scaffolding, anchoring your muscles and organs. But like an aging building, that scaffolding begins to weaken over time. In fact, as we age, we actually lose bone mass, leading to bruises, broken bones, and osteoporosis.

Strontium is a powerful supplement that will provide crucial protection to your bones, preventing brittleness and reducing the risk of breaks. You may already be aware of the use of strontium in Europe; the American version is different, and is enthusiastically supported by doctors and other practitioners in the United States. Additionally, while calcium supplements are helpful in preventing osteoporosis, they work by protecting bone that’s already present. Strontium, on the other hand, protects, strengthens, and adds density to your bones. In fact, taking 680 mg of strontium a day (at least four hours after you take your calcium, to prevent interaction) can reduce the risk of bone fractures by 33%.

Prevent Cancer: Vitamin D

Like strontium, vitamin D is great for your bones, but it’s also a potent factor in cancer prevention. If you live far enough south, you naturally gain vitamin D from controlled sun exposure. Too much sun, of course, can increase your risk of skin cancer, so a vitamin D supplement is a great way to protect yourself from cancer without risking overexposure to the sun. Vitamin D works by putting a “force field” around your cells and DNA, protecting them against harmful free radicals and toxic stress that can lead to cancer. Additionally, it helps strengthen your immune cells, so that they can attack and remove cancer cells. Take 1000 IU of vitamin D per day, seeking out vitamin D3 – the vitamin’s most powerful and effective form.

Improve Brain Function: Fish Oil

Many of us have witnessed the chilling effects of Alzheimer’s on family and friends. That’s why it’s vital to boost your brain function and protect your memory as early as possible with a fish oil supplement. Your brain’s tissue is composed of fat, mostly consisting of DHA or docosahexaenoic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid. DHA helps improve the way your brain functions and increases new cell growth, which is crucial to prevent and fight the effects of memory loss. Fish oil supplements are packed with omega-3s, specifically, DHA. Taking 1000 mg daily will keep your memory sharp and, more importantly, provide protection to your brain.